CORE Entertainment Group is set to release an Inspirational Faith-Based Drama

a Mocha & The Flame Production

God wants you to be excited and in Loving unity with your spouse and the two of you in covenant with Him. The devil wants you to be miserable in your relationship, divorced and unhappy but he doesn't have any power if you do not give it to him.
A story of multiple relationships that are in difficulty or on the brink of divorce or failure. A Bible-believing long-time relationship coach and Pastor coaches individuals who are involved in troubled marriages and relationships based on Biblical teachings.
Want Love? - is a film about couples and individuals who need direction and change in how they deal with others and situations in order to create and/or reconcile their relationships by finding ways to improve insecurities, balance love with boundaries, and improve relationships, ie; Spouses, other relatives, and friendships, all while having purpose in life and trusting in God no matter the end result of the relationship