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Become a fan to find out about new music and projects from Mocha & The Flame!


Mocha & The Flame have spent the last few years creating Music, TV shows, Books, and Movies that are all Relevant today. "Musically, all of what we write is what we know. Our lyrics are born from personal experiences, life as we have lived it or in some cases, are living it.


We also spend a lot of time working on TV and Film.

Our Want Love Series on YouTube and Podcast show about becoming more secure in relationships.

We spend a lot of time shooting video footage and recently filmed a new Series project, " La-Laurie Parrish"...out in 2020 where Mocha Wrote, Created, and Directed the pilot episode.

Feeling NEEDY? Well, there are some videos on our Podcast Tab that can help you get more love by being more secure.


Check out all of our stuff now!


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